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Chevrolet: ABS, TCS and Low Traction light on, chevy dealer, chevy van

I have a 1999 Chevy van with 105,000+ miles.  Last June the low traction light was coming on.  Actually turned out to be the transmission.  Had it rebuilt and just want to get another year out of it.  Now, during sharp right or left turns the low traction light started coming on.  Shortly after that, the ABS and TCS lights started coming on.  Now, most of the time, all three lights are on, even while driving.  Very recently, when the low traction light came on, the van studdered and couldn't seem to get out of it's own way.  Took it to a Monroe who checked out what he could on the brakes and suspension, tires, etc and found nothing...and suggested a chevy dealer look at it.  The trany is still under warranty.  Does it sound like the trany, or something else... HELP ME

Teri ;
  HI - well with all of those miles it could be a lot of things , but if it was looked at for the brakes and susp. it could be just the computer or a sensor going bad ,but I would have it checked on a computer to see what codes come up ,this way you will know for shure.  it could just need some servicing  or an  adj.    ok