Chevrolet: chevy poor throttle response, vacuum hoses, 283 chevy
What causes poor throttle response? I have a stock 283 chevy, rochester 2 barrel. Replaced distributor including the vacuum advance. checked the vacuum hoses and timing is dead on. after it warms up I get hesistation and occasional stalling from stop to start. Usually at an intersection of course.
AnswerGerald ;
HI , The 283 is a great motor they keep on going and going- well as far as the dist. it is in right and wires are all good,etc. points,cond,rotor and cap all good. I would get some carb. cleaner spray type for the carb. clean it up good and also a can of cleaner to the gas. than I would check / change the fuel filter. Next I would adj. the carb. and get it as good as you can. and if you can not get any type of a adj. from it , than it is time for a new carb.
OK. or you could get a rebuilding kit for it.