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Chevrolet: Battery and Starting car for a 97 Chevy Blazer., chevy blazer, carburator

I have two issues.  First, I have to put gas in the carburator in order for the car to start.  What can I do to resolve that issue?  It will not start on it's on.  The last question is that now when I drive , the battery dies out.  I went to get my alternator checked and it is a strong, healthy alternator.  What can I do about this issue?

Thank you,

Cedric :
 Hi ; I would say your fuel pump is not working if you must put fuel in the carb. to start it.  or the filter is plugged . and when you say the alt. is good did you put a volt meter on it to see what it is putting out , if not 13 or more volts than its no good, or your battery could be bad also ...