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Chevrolet: freeze plugs, car part stores, freeze plugs

hello, I have a 1991 chevy 10 full sized v6 van and I've had a freeze plug go already, got it fixed, and also the one behind it on the driver's side behind the motor mount, but I was wondering if you could tell me how many more there are, and maybe where they are located, and what I'm going to have to take apart,and is it safe to jack up the engine on a small hydraulic jack with a board across it so I can take off the motor mount? and is that the starter that's in the way of one of the plugs, also I know this is a lot but, how do you put them in and keep them in place?

Dylan :
    Hi - I do not understand why they are popping out on you ,
  as far as the plugs they are all over -front-back-sides. You can jack it up with the hyd. jack but use safty jacks too.  if you pop one out , clean the surface well with steelwool and put a sealer all around the plug hole prior to putting it in,you can tap it in with a small brass hammer.  they do make some new freeze  out plugs that are a  lot simple to put in , you can find them at most car part stores , they come in all sizes.ask the guy that works there if you can not find them, they will make it a lot easier for you.OK