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Chevrolet: Car wont start, fender benders, bump in the road

What makes the shifter light on the dash go off?  I just recently had the ignition switch replaced, could that be a problem?  I jus dont know where to start?  Any ideas?
Thanks for your time

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Question -
I have a 96 cavalier, and just recently it was in an accident to the lower front end, nothing engine related was fixed, but mostly every part of the lower front end was replaced(no idea if this has anything to do with the problem, but 2 days ago, when i waqs driving(with no starting problems) when i hit a bump in the road, i would lose power for a millisecond (all the dash gages would drop as if i shut the car off) and yesterday the car wouldnt start, but the odd thing was the (automatic)shifter light on the dash, telling me what trnny position im in disapeared, and when i slammed my hood or rolled the car,(not sure which one did it) the shifter light on the dash came back on and i was able to start the car, NOW niether slamming the hood, or rolling the car is working, the car cranks but doesnt turn over....What can this be?

Answer -
Chris ;
 Well it sounds like you fliped it  , lucky you did not get hurt , I had my share of  fender benders ,or worse. it sounds as if you have a short some place ,were any wires cut during the accident > I would check all connections and wires , and the battery too. I do not think that the key switch-ing.  is bad.and I would hook up a computer to it to see if any codes come up .  ok

Chris ;
  Hi  well if the shifter light is on - there must be something that is in the on setting or a short . I do not think it is the tranny switch . and if the key switch was replaced - than I would say look there - and if it was not like that prior than it is the switch ..