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Chevrolet: engine tune, 62 chevy nova, chevy nova

I just installed a 475 hp 383 aluminum headed monster into a 62 chevy nova.. It has a 650 double pump demon (mechanical) A procomp ignition, dist., coil, and box. a 700 R-4 trans w/ a shift kit and a 2500 stall converter. How can I tune the carb jets without a dino. How much does an average dino tune run, and would it smooth out the motor. Idles like a machine gun. I feel that 200.00 would be fair for a tune up, but When I was a mechanic, I did fast tune-ups for 39.95. I don't want to be cheap, but I'm funds limited ,(BROKE). Everything else has eaten all my funds.

 Hea - well as far as a dino tune  it would have to be put on a machine , but the carb is easy - with the motor warm and running just take a screw driver and on the carb there is a set of screws one on the R & L all you have to do is turn in the right one first till it is ready than back it out till it starts to sound good than 1/4 more do the same to the left , than you can keep doing it a bit more or a bit less till you get it where you think is right and if it has a cam in it  than you have to work around the roughness of the cam .  ok than if you want you can get a kit for the carb. or you can just get a larger carb. 750. D.P. etc.

Hea if you did all of that work your self how is it that you can not even build your own carb or tune it, what type of tune ups did you do for 39.95 . do one on your 475 motor see how good you can get it, PS I do not get paid for this I try to help peolpe that do not know how do to 39.95 tune ups or those that have hot rods and can not tune them ...