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Chevrolet: heater core, 2000 chevy cavalier, chevy cavalier

when i am parked my car will spill out water mainly from the passenger side, there is a elbow hose coming out of the back wall under the hood, thats where its coming out of. it also seem to be leaking from the drivers side to very little?it seem not to spill as much when i am on the highway. i have to fill it up about twice a day. The other night my window started to get fogging and starting overheating. Now it spills water even more. what is it? the heater core? can you tell me how to bypass it please? I have a 2000 chevy cavalier 2.2. thank you.

  HI- well  its your heater core - and it is a job. as far as by-passing it, take the two hoses that go to it and get a short pc. of pipe or a  tube and put the two hoses together and clamp it up good. it will hold for a long time till the heater core is replaced. You can try to get a can of Barrs stop leak and see if that will stop the leak . if not than bypass it.
