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the last time we spoke you said try and put an electric pump on it.i put on a new holley blue electric,running 6.5-7 psi to the carb and it does take off a little better but at around 4800 rpm it has a big bog and i have to lift off the pedal to get it to pulls hard to 4800 then when it bogs and you lift off it won't pull hard anymore you have to let it accelerate at a slow pace
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Well you got it up to 4800 , have you checked the distrib. to see if it is on the no #1 pulg spot, so you will know that it is in right, have you poped it on TDC. ? if it is off , it will cause trouble, and if it is ok , have you set the timeing, I would try to up the timeing a bit, see what it does.have you looked into the carb. to see if the secondarys are being opened all of the way, are they vacume or mech?
and the valves are set right - I do not think it is the dist. if you have a rev lim. on it take it off.
try that stuff get back to me ok
Roger jm W
i have been over the timing countless times and everything seems to be fine in that seems to fall over itself and starts popping through the carb and makes a real weird baawaaaaa sound when it hits 3800 rpm and it will only go to 4800.i checked all the valve settings and it seems that the lifters are bleeding down super fast.they bleed right down in about 1.5 seconds, could they be collapsing under higher rpm?
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You told me it is a hyd. cam w/ hyd. lifters. if you used the proper anti pump up lifters and if the cam is a hyd. cam than that should be fine. if you checked the dist and it is on no#1 than that is ok. is the coil good ? and can you try a differnt carb. to see if it changes anything.
as far as the lifters if they are the right type they should not flot untill after 7 or 8000 rpms . how were the heads and the valve springs. I would try a diff. carb. if it is still the same than you can rule that out. it was running at only 3800 prior so now you get 4800 from it . so
see if a diff. carb. does anything. get back to me ok I wish to help you to get it going good. you say it pops out of the carb. are you shure about the dist. is in right.
and the plug wires are all right order.
plug wires are on correct dist is in correct.heads were redone when i built the engine with new valve springs installed.i have tried 3 different carbs with absolutely no change at all. tonight on my way home from work i tried to floor it again and it seems to be getting worse.starts popping at around22-2300 rpm and bogs out real bad.fuel pressure is staying at 5-6 psi while its doing this. i think the valve springs were just stock much lift can they handle comfortably?possibly a cam lobe or two going?its so aggravating as everything was brand new when built and now it seems like nothing will fix it lol
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This is crazy - if it is popping threw the carb than something is wrong- it could be the timeing-or the dist. or the plugs. or timeing chain .- a bad valve , valve spring -
dist.cap could be cracked-or the rotor , etc. so there is a lot of things to check - ok it sucks but you got to look at all the little things ok
i am starting to think its in the valve timing i will check the cam timing out on the weekend. what lift will stock springs handle? will let you know what i find out
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Let me know what you find ok. check each spring , when you adj. the valves did you have the engine running.Thats the way to do it, loosen the valve up till it clacks than turn it till it stops than about 1/2 a turn more than far as the springs they should be ok if there are no broken ones after you get it going and you rev it at 7000 than you will see how the valve springs are. if broken than replace with some h.d. ones. and some good valve seals.
yes i had the engine running when i adjusted them the last time. i will check the springs out on the weekend.i have a new cam and timing chain to put in.will get to that on the it possible that the timing chain stretched and thru off the valve timing?as for replacing the valve springs can i do that with the heads on or should i pull them too if i need to.what springs can you recommend for a cam this big?
As far as the springs yes you can do it with the heads on-but you will need a compressor and a kit that lets you put air into each. cyld. one at a time so the valves will not fall into the cyld. I would just pull the heads off and check them good and do the springs with them off and new valve seals. as far as springs you can get any good H.P. springs that will fit the heads. I would use the .202 heads , but you can use yours , try some chevy HI.Per. springs or go with any brand name springs , there are a lot of brands out there.with a cam up to a 480 lift -springs size 1,250 are good and if up to a 540 lift than springs around the size of 1,470 should be good. ok