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Chevrolet: 2001 Chevy Lumia, automatic door locks, chevy lumina

Mr. Warrington , I have a  2001 Chevy Lumina  that has a trunk latch that will not close/lock  with the key  or the automatic key code device . I replaced the battery in the key code device  recently and noticed that the automatic door locks weren't working as quickly/ effieciently as it had in the past . Any suggestions as to what might be wrong ? Is there a possible electrical short or some sort of lock motor  problem  causing this problem ?I appreciate any help you may give since I am on vacation w/ a trunk that will not close . Phyllis Sims  

  Hi , on vacation good for you. as far as the battery you changed was it the same type / and was it good ?. and with the trunk lock it should work with the key any way- it might have to be adjusted - it could be out of alignment, etc. and there could be a short or a loose wire or cut wire or unpluged wire, look for any broken or un pluged wires in the trunk. and if you must park with the back of the car up to a wall ,or something.