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Chevrolet: Starting a car after one year, ok shape, health reasons

I have a 1990 Corsica, I haven't driven it for a year due to health reasons. It has been in a garage, and is otherwise in OK shape. Is there something I should do before starting it that will help it to start and not sieze?  I imagine that the oil and other fluids have all drained into their respective pans and there may not be a coating of lubricant on the engine parts, is  this a concern?

    HI- A year , thats not too bad , if it was in doors than it should be easy , if out doors , I would check it over good , but I would first off check all fluids and coolent , add to them if needed , and if there is gas in it
I would add 2 cans of dry gas , and than start it up . after it has been going for a day or so I would have the oil / filter  changed , and add some new gas to the tank , with some dry gas. and flush out the coolent and add some new antifreeze , and check tranny fluid ,change it also if dirty , than just check all hoses and belts -than break fluid , than after that a regular inspection will do it fine.    ok
you want to prevent any thing from going wrong by replacing
the old fluids , and look over all areas.