Chevrolet: Steering column, chevy impala, brakes and rotors
QuestionI own a 2001 Chevy Impala and there is noise when I turn my steering wheel around corners. The noise sounds like something is rubbing in the steering column and it is making it a little harder to turn the wheel. I was experiencing a thumping noise in the steering column when I applied the brakes, but last month I got new brakes and rotors and the noise stopped. It is not the same noise I am hearing now.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Hi - I wonder if it could be the power steering making the noise , when you turn the wheel all the way most cars will make some type of noise due to the fluid and the press. in the lines. If you can see any rubbing marks on the tires I would take it to be looked at or if you can see any wear marks on the inside of the wheel well it will look like it is silver or polished on the frame area. or you might need some fluid , or the pump could be going bad.