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Chevrolet: 327 vs 350, chevy info, old chevy

Hi, I am in love with short stroke small blocks. But I haven't ever touched one. Just read every spec page online. Is the 327 block the same as any 350? I read somewhere a guy said good luck finding a 327 core worth rebuilding. But my question is---- can't you just MAKE a 327? and how do I know if I get  200hp 80's slug 350 or an earlier more powerful one.
And lastly- I want to build a 327 and put it in a cheap full- frame midsize car-- what is a good cheap chassis to stick it in?

joe b

  I too love the 327  motor- they run great and take a licken and keep on ticken .and the rps you can get out of them.
  you can still find a good 327 out  there  at times you might find a old CHEVY with a 327 in it that is well worth rebuilding.a good 327 with  a fuely cam and 202 heads ,alum
intake with a nice holley and headers and you got something.
and still a lot more room for more power if you wish to go that way. I like the 60s car models any chevy is a good one for building a 64-or 66-67 is good .
there are a lot of on line places that are full of CHEVY info and  ID # list will tell you all of the parts and years.