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Chevrolet: power steering, must be a reason, power steering pump

this is a simple question i need to change the power steering pump in a 90 z24 idk if u can help me but how would i go about changing. i put fluid in it and it leaked out in a minute so i dont know if its the pump or not if u can help it would be great thank you  

    If it is leaking there must be a reason why - it might just be a hose . I would look and  find the leak  before
I would go and get a new pump and all that work . and as far as the fittings on the pump you must be carefull not to strip them as they are soft wleded or crimped in place and they do break easy and the tank will also squish - bend if you forse it or pry on it.You can go to the library and look in the car tech. books - they should have the step by step inst. on replacing a pump. but I would first find the leak.   ok and the one line has a lot of presshure in it so be carefull . the other is a return line.