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Chevrolet: hot intake manifold, chevy 350, temp gauge

I noticed a similar question by one of your enthusiasts,the intake manifold on the chevy 350 v8 marine engine in my boat gets very hot in the middle section around my 2 barrel carburator,  and burned the paint off that localized area,I had painted it  chevy orange,could it be that the paint does not withstand the heat,?how hot is  normal for the intake manifold,and what type of paint should I be using to prevent this problem? could this be dangerous and start a fire?
By the way the engine temperature is in exellent range...

Thank you
Oscar Rodriguez

  Hi , as far as the heat of the intake what ever the temp. gauge is at , the intake is a bit hotter  , and as far as the paint, first off you would have to get the intake. super clean ,like - wire wheel it off or it could be sand blasted clean, for the paint to stick on real good the metal must be very clean or it will not last , and it will come off in a short time.The paint must be a high heat motor paint .and as far as a fire from the paint - if you do everything that the paint can has written on it- it will be fine. ok  be carefull with the paint use in a vented area.