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Chevrolet: Timing?, timing chain, plug wires

I have a 1976 Corvette, Small Block. I have recently changed- Carb, Headers, Exhaust, Intake, Spark Plugs & Wires, Distributor, Coil, Timing Chain, and Heads reconditioned. When I accelerate, exhaust exits the Carb.. This condition was much worse before the above changes. Do you have any Ideas?



Hi Jeff;
   I would first check all plug wires on the cap and on the plugs as it only takes one. order- 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2 =and if the dist is in wrong or the timing chain was off a tooth. if nothing there than  re-check the dist. pop the no#1 cyld so you are on the no 1 plug wire on the rotor so at TDC you should be on no#1 plug or real close  if not the dist is off and should be re set , than re try it and if the dist is in right and all is ok the timeing chain might be or it is off.