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Chevrolet: swapping motors, monte carlo ss, chevy ss

 A 79 cadillac motor 501. Will it fit into a 86 Monte Carlo SS

HI Wallace;
           WoW  why would you wish to put a caddy motor in a chevy ss , as far as the engine you can put most any engine  in any car with some work , as far as the caddy motor I never did one but it should fit with some work and than you will have to use the tranny or have a drive shaft made and engine mounts not to mention the ex. system. A lot of work  but it would fit , as far motor mounts - you can get what ever you might need at j.c. whitney.com as thay have all types of engine swaping stuff.If it were me - and if it is power you want,I would stick with ALL CHEVY equp. and get a crate motor of a rebuilt chevy v-8 327 or 350 with  a lot of h.p. and all that would have been spent on the engine swap you could use on the re-built engine and get some headers and alum. intake , etc. and than you would have something.I think that the caddy engine would be a costly job and could end up nothing but headachs. OK