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Chevrolet: 1999 Chevy S 10 Low Beam Headlamps, high beams, low beams

1999 S 10 high beams work, low beams dont work, daytime driving lamps work sometimes, parking lights work, turn signals work, flashers work,
I have checked the signal switch its still good.
The only way I can drive at night is with my high beams on.  Could it be the relay, or do I have a short some where in the wiring? If it is the wiring where do I start?  I have checked all the fuses they are all ok.  

HI Marco;
       Did you try a new head lamp as you might have the two burnt out ? it happens.If a good lamp dosent work than you could have a broken wire or short so take a test lamp and see if the wires going to the lamp has juice if yes than the lamps are burnt out , OK