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Chevrolet: Rochester 2GV Carb on 307cui Chevy SB, 71, chevy sb, stop screw

Hi Roger,

I have cold-starting problems with my 2bbl Rochester 2GV carb (#7041110, it's equipped with idle-stop solenoid!). I have checked the choke coil and vacuum break but found no problems, I assume the choke rod being misaligned. I have studied all available manuals concerning rochester 2bbl carb alignment, but one point is still unclear: where does the idle stop screw have to go to (on the fast idle cam) before starting, choke closed? I have noticed that there is no chance to reach the High-step (by auto-choke operation), except if I pull up the rod by hand and turn the cam counterclockwise. So the initial starting is always from the 2nd step and the idle is always weak at first, so the engine stops as soon as I put it in gear. Another thing I'm not sure about is the rpm's on each step on the fast idle cam (H, 2, L). According to the sticker it's about 550 on the L-step, choke 100% open, tranny in "D", but how many rpm's would I need on starting (H-step)?. It seems, it would always be "one step too low" and the angle of the chokeplate would not go together well with the one of the throttle. Can you give me some information or suggestions on the subject, any help would be appreciated.


HI Gerald;
          WOW you did some home work on that , I would first check the choke when the carb. / engine is cold hit the gas once so the choke will close to the cold setting , than try to set the idle adj. from there than start the car and warm to norm. temp. and set the reg. idle at apx .650 / 700 rps. with the car in drive so have someone in it with the brakes on and get the idle to meet the engines   norm. op. in gear and it should not be any higher than 750 rpms. at idle and it should be running good in drive so the idle when in gear should be around 650 - 700. and should not stall out when you go into drive, etc. ok. you can get a happy med. with the rpms  as long as it runs good and will idle  good also. ok as you do not have to go 100% by the book all the time and you are talking about a 307 that was one of the last half way good v-8s .