Chevrolet: 1998 chevy hard starting, mass air flow sensor, mass air flow
I have a 1998 chevy silverado, in the morning it starts up no problem. After driving it a couple of minutes and shutting it off, it won't start unless i put my foot into it. It turns over fine just seems like it is not getting fuel. Shop told me it was the mass air flow sensor, changed it, that was not the problem. Could it be the starter selenoid. Before this problem started, my truck over heated a few times and i changed the thermostat. Could the over heating have damaged the selenoids resistance. Once the truck has sat and cooled off it starts no prob.
Answer Hi Craig,
I wonder if the map sensor is getting bad,and yes if the selonoids starting to go the fields in it will not let it turn over and then it will just not work at all.It could be a lot of things, do you have someone that can put it on a computor to see what it sends out.his way you will not have to guess on what it could be.