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Chevrolet: 87 Chevy Corsica stalls, chevy corsica, torque converter

I just bought a '87 Chevy Corsica from my neighbor for $50 and was told it doesn't run over 35MPH and it stalls when you put your foot on the gas pedal. I have had it started and by all means I am no mechanic but in my opinion when I started it it sounds like there's not enough gas getting through to the engine to keep it running leading me to believe its the fuel filter/line/pump but the neighbor said that it was the torque converter/tcc solenoid. Now for the 35MPH problem I have no clue why it would do that. A few suggestions would be helpful and dealing with the MPH isn't that big of a deal to me as this car is for my 16yr. old daughter but really need more info on the stalling as we can't even drive it to a shop to have it fixed or looked at. Thanks!

HI Terry
      I think you are right as it could be the fuel not getting to the carb. and it also could be something not hooked up right or a vacume line off, it could be a lot of things but it might just be a bad fuel filter or the fuel pump might be going too.I would look into that first.
good luck and for  $50.00 you cant go wrong .