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Chevrolet: 1996 Chevy Cavalier wont fire., chevy cavalier, conections

Dear Roger,
  My son-in-law replaced my camshaft and crankshaft sensors but now it will crank but doesn't seem to be getting any fire. I have a 2.4L engine. You can hear the fuel pump kick on and smell gas. Please help. We are all baffeled. 1996 Cavalier.
It started with no problem before.

Hi Karen;
         You say he put in sensors right ? he did not replace a cam ? some times the sensors will tell the engine to die as in do not start, this is to protect it, and if this is the case the computor will have to be re set in order for it to run.Were all the parts the right ones ? also when doing so you should do one at a time this way you will know where to look for the trouble if any.I would re check all wires and conections , and if you must do you have the old parts to put back in ? why did you replace them any way was there trouble with it ? is there a alarm shut off ? re check all conections first . than if you have to replace the old stuff one at a time and see if it will start.Did the check engine light come on ?