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Chevrolet: 1995 Lumina Backup Lights and Power Trunk, power trunk, backup lights


I have a 1995 Lumina Sedan that has lost both its reverse lights adn the power trunk. The 15A fuse running the rear compartment release is good, I have 12volts running to the PN safety switch, and my grounds for reverse lights adn the power trunk solenoid are good. Also, the solenoid int he truck functions when on a remote battery. I am assuming my trouble is the Park nuetral Safety switch, but was looking for more direction.


hI Phil
 I thought I sent you a e-mail well it must have bounced ,so here goes. did you check all fuses and is there a relay for the trunk lock ? also check all lamps/bulbs and wires and any plugs in the trunk that could have un pulged.If a lamp is burned out it can cause a lot of things to go out so check all bulbs.also check any relays . ok