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1968 Camaro, 327 s/b, 60 miles, yes, sixty miles. The engine was just rebuilt. There is a vibration in the engine. This happens when standing still, or driving when rpm reaches about 16 to only about 18. Tried to adjust timeing, moved forward, vibration at about 18 to 20 rpm, over and above 20, the vibration softens. Everything is torqued properly. All front end parts are good. Just want to add too that there was always a vibration.
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Hi Greg
Can you tell me a bit more as what is it doing , vibration? or does the car itself vibrate or just the engine.
Roger, just the engine....... motor mounts are new, tranny mount is good
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I sent you a e-mail did you get it , it could be in the front end or the tires,to get that out of the picture get the tires checked out and balanced. As far as the engine if it is running right , the only thing that I can think of off hand is the harmonic balancer ,or it might just be the way the motor is and if the springs in front are H.D. and other Hi Per. parts it will shake a bit at idle, and if there is a H.D. cam in it - it will do something for sure. but if it is troubling you , all you can do is just keep on looking. but it might be nothing at all just the engine as 327s do talk a little bit when worked on anyways. p.s. you said the motor mounts are new , did you check to see if they are tight ..
there are no Hi Perfor. parts one the car, Well, There is a hi performance Carb, Edlbrock, and MSD distrib., would that cause the vibration? The tires are balanced properly. engine mounts are tight, transmission mounts tight, front end is tight and with no problems. You mentioned The harmonic balancer.... I have the "8" inch one on there. should I have the smaller one?, also, what would happen if I put the smaller one on? Would that hurt at all ? The reason I have the bigger one on is because that is what was on the car when I got it, BUT... when I went to replace it, the auto parts stores kept coming up with the smaller one... as the one listed for my car... should i put the smaller one on? my harmonic balancer is pressed on, there is no nut. ALSO, could the flywheel be out of balance? It is a 4 speed 327. Thank you for your time Roger.
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Hea Greg
Whats up,
the 400 had a 8in harm. bal. but the 283 and 327s should have the smaller one, also the timeing mark on it could be off. so you should be running the smaller one, and with a 4 speed too,I would use the 6 .3/4 in., and as far as 2 or 4 bolt mains,the 350 2-bolt had the sm. one and the 350 4 bolt had the lg. one. , did that engine come with a auto tranny ? I do not think the engine came from the factory with that harm. bal, on it or if it had a auto tranny it could have.SO if you can get a puller it will come off easy , are you shure there is no bolt or a hole w/threds in it for a bolt. ok.
Roger P.S. if you need any more info let me know.
I was told that I have a large jurnal 350 crank. I do have 2-bolt main. The engine orginally came with a 4sp tranny. I am sure that there hasn't been a bolt for the harm. bal. since I had the car. BUT.. there are threads in the hole, they look to be messed up... should i re-tap them? So, you are saying that I should try the smaller harm. bal? And buy a harmonic balancer bolt kit, and bolt it on? If I gave you the numbers from the crank and the motor would that help? I have both numbers.
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Hea Greg,
I would not try to re tap the crank, it should be good if no one striped it right. I would clean it out - try to take a air hose to it and clean it out than with a brass type round brush clean it good and than try a bolt in it, you must use a bolt that is for it.OK give me the crank no#s
Ill see what I can do 4-U ok.SO wait till we find the nos. for the crank if you have a 2 bolt main it should be a small harm .bal.but wait so I can try to track the nos.
The threads are stripped. So, if I shouldn't re tap it, then I should just press on like it is now? Or...?
Crank number is GM 24 3911001C.
I really appreciate all of your help. Thank you very much
I recently bought a HOW TO REBUILD YOUR SMALL BLOCK CHEVY and in the book there is a caption that says; "Even expert small block chevy builders have been fooled on this one. Until 1970, the position of the zero degree TBC mark on the crankshaft damper remained unchanged relitive to the keyway slot. 1970 the TBC was moved 8-9 deg. on the damper that ment the tag on the cover had to be in a corsponding different positon ect..."
Would this mean that the dampers are weighted differently? by 8 to 9 degrees? Because the "new" one that I bought to replace the "orginal one" on my vehicle the timing mark is not in line with the key way, and mine is pre 1970-(1968) The one that I took off was seprating, so i replaced it, (the orginal one the one that was seprating) the keyway and timing mark were in line. I am going to try to order one from gm coach and motor, should be O.E.M. I live in South East Michigan, any other ideas as to where to look to get one? Thank you Roger
Answer Hea Gregg.
Yes diff weights, and size.I would look in the catalog co. ( for any weird stuff, they carry all kinds,
but you should stick with the chevy dealer or org. far as engine items go. Do not buy junk stick with brand name stuff.
I will show you some important data save it.
( ( ( these are engine i.d. and parts i.d. places that tell you all.
good luck