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Chevrolet: Heater Core 1990 Iroc-Z Camaro, coolant leak, compressor clutch

Hello, im having some heater core blues here. I replaced my previous heater core yesterday and found it is still leaking. I am going to check the new heater core to see if it's malfunctioning tomorrow. I have checked and tightened all fittings, and it only leaks when the car is running.

In any case, I have Air Conditioning and didn't recharge it before I replaced the core, will that have any effect on the car? My buddy told me I should have done it but he doesn't know why.

Any other possibilities for a coolant leak on the passenger side floor? Could it be aircon related?

Any help would be appreciated.


Hi Josh, no the a\c has nothing to do with the heater. If the coolant is coming inside the car it has to be the heater core or a hose. NOt recharging your a\c wont damage it because it has a low pressure switch and the compressor will not start without it has sufficient pressure, but after a while the compressor or the compressor clutch may become stuck. I hope this helps you if you need more info just let me know. Regards, Keith.