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Chevrolet: electrical problem in 95 buic k Lesabre, buick lesabre, buic

I have a 95 buick Lesabre. When driving at night the lights will dim and then go back to normal. At the same time the cruise controll will shut off then come back on set at the same speed I was going prior to the problem. This problem also seems to affect my trans as well. Sometimes it will leave it in overdrive when I have come to a stop, other times when accelerating from a stop it will shift into neutral and back into drive again causing the car to jerk wildly. If you can help in any way I sure would appreaciate it.

Hi Tony, electrial problems are very hard to diagnose without actully working on the car. The lights dimming and the cruise control, its most likely to be the switch in the steering columb. The transmission problem is likely to be in the transmission, call a tranny shop and ask for their opinion. Let me know what you find, sorry I couldnt help more. Regards, Keith.