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Chevrolet: Corvette A/C retro fit kit, r 134a, ac repair

I have a 1982 Corvette and would like to change over from the r12 to R-134a.I've seen kits advertised for about $50...Is this something that I could do myself or do I need to contact a mechanic?

Hi Stephen, the kit contains two valves that you have to change. The r12 and the r134a uses different valves to connect to the ac machine for recharging. you have to go to A ac repair shop, the system has to be evacuated to remove the r12 and be recharged with r134a. You have to remove the r12 before you can change the valves, because the ac system is under pressure and the refrigerant will spray out if you remove the valves before discharging the system. I hope this helps you, if you need more info just let me know. Regards, Keith.