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Chevrolet: Speaker Problems? Stock Speakers, chevrolet camaro rs, stock speakers

Hi, i have a 1996 chevrolet camaro rs, and i am trying to figuire out why i have sound in the front   speakers but no sound at all in the back speakers.  I have removed the wiring hareness in the back and reinstalled, due to an accident that was hit right behind the right front tire.  I know that the radio works fine because i just had it in another car, and all channels do work.  Can you help me in the possibilities of what the problem may be.  
Thank you

Hi Aaron, if the radio works fine the problem must be in the wiring. A broken wire or a bad connection. Unplug the radio and unplug the rear speakers. with a continuity tester, test the wires back to the speakers, if there is no continuity then you will know its the wires. If you replaced the harness maybe its as simple as a plug left undone. I hope this helps you, if you need more info let me know. Regards, keith.