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Chevrolet: 1989 Corsica 6 cyl.- 13,700 original miles, little old lady, foot on the gas

I have owned this car since Jan. 05.  I bought it from a little old lady who had it in a barn since 1990.  My father has replaced almost everything on it. The last few weeks my car has been stalling first thing in the AM. It turns over ok but then when I put my foot on the gas it stalls like 7-10 times. Finally it will start and doesn't do it the rest of the day. Next day, same routine. We have changed the fuel filter two weeks ago. I took it to the auto parts store to see if they could come up with a repair code for me but they won't do it because no "check engine light" is on. Any ideas what it could be?  I would greatly appreciate your help.

Hi Trish, although it is very hard to diagnose these types of problems, because I cant hear the engine. It sounds like the fuel is not rich enough for a cold engine. Try the temp sensor. It is on the engine close to where the top rad hose connects to the engine, with two wires on it. I hope this helps. Let me know how it goes. Regards, Keith.