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Chevrolet: Heavy Idle, 2000 chevy cavalier, ethanol gas

I have a 2000 Chevy Cavalier that in the last year or so has developed a heavy idle. I have tried to alleviate this problem by getting a tuneup, regular oil changes, fuel filter yada yada. Nothing seems to fix it. I think perhaps the Ethanol-gas conversion from a year and a half ago affected the engine?

To descibe my problem is this: The car runs ok, but at a stop light you can feel the car bucking a little from the idling..you can also hear it jumping. There is also an odd smell...not so much exhaust, but like a raw fuel smell. You can smell the Ethanol in the air, but I've noticed this in other vehicles as well. Is there any additive I can use to help? What service can I do to my car to help, since a tuneup didn't help?

One more thing...about a year ago I almost blew the fuel pump due to a 90% clogged fuel filter. Could the idling be a result of a strained fuel pump that should be replaced?


   Well it seems to me that you are doing all the right things, changeing the oil and tune ups, how about the tranny
filter do you have over 50,000? if yes get it changed.And the fuel filter ? was that changed? I do not understand why the person that tuned the car up did not take the idle down a hair if it is too high ? it is no big deal. As far as the
fuel I think we all smell of some type of a fuel stink , most like rotten eggs, as if you do smell that smell , it is not You but the car that just passed you. it is the catalitic convertor causing that smell. The fuel addative and a oil addative is a good idea , if I were you  I would add a can of STP oil treatment to every oil change. And every time that you fill up add a can of gas addative to the tank too. as far as the tune up in a can do not waste your money , how can you get a tune up in a can for a few bucks ?? just use a name brand of fuel addative with each fill up as STP makes that also. and in the winter if you live in a area where it gets cold - add a can of dry gas with every fill up. OK so it sounds as if you are doing all the right things and the car should last you a long time if you keep up with the preventative maintanence , how about the coolent was that ever flushed out ?? If you take car of your car it will take care of you OK..
Roger jm W