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Chevrolet: 92 corsica turn signal switch, turn signal switch, steering colum

to replace the turn signal / dimmer switch, in a '92 corsica do i need to pull the steering wheel, or can it be accessed by reomving just the cover around the steering column?

Hi Kevin, 92 is around the year they changed the steering colum. if you car has the hazard flasher switch on top it is new style. You can replace it by removing the cover around it(some have two screws under the steering wheel, you may have to remove it to gain access to the screws). If your car has the hazard flasher switch under the ignition switch then it is old style. You have to remove the wheel to replace the turn signal switch, but you dont have to remove the wheel to replace the dimmer switch. The dimmer switch is screwed to the side of the steering colum just under the dash, it is controled by a rod inside the steering colum. You have to remove the panel below the steering wheel to get to it. If you need more help just let me know. Regards Keith.