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Chevrolet: 350 chev corvette carb, 350 chev, petrol tank

I just aquired a 1970 vette with a 350 chev.The petrol tank is rusted so i am trying to start it through an auxillary tank connected to the fuel pump.I took the top off the carb.cleaned everything.cleaned the filter etc.The carb is gettin fuel and i can see it squirt into the body when i twist the acc cable on the side of the body.It will start but it will only run till the fuel that has squirted in runs out.Its like there is no fuel getting into where the float is.Could that be a stuck needle and seat?.Could i have not put something back in correct?.It runns if i pour petrol down the throat but just wont continue on its own.Thanks for any advice or help.regards,Peter.Australia

it sounds as the carb  is ok  but  there is something pluged uped   some place as is the little filter changed ..

 and the needle / seat yes could have some dirt and the line from the pump is that ok, is the fuel pumping out of the can or just what you put into the bowel if just the bowel than someplace from the pump up has a blockage in it.
you have something pluged up someplace as you say it will run till no more gas . you should have the tank boiled out at a radeator shop, make shure it is clean and still good.