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Chevrolet: gasoline, leaded fuel, gunk

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Question -
Which gasoline should I use in my 1968 chevelle 327 engine? Regular? Premium?
Answer -
well first of all you got a hell of a good engine and if you have a 2 bbl carbarator use reg. but if you have a 4 bbl. carb use the best for the best performance as that is one of the best engines built and a good year too , like a good wine .ok and good luck and take care of that 327 it worth its weight in gold.
Since I have a 4 bbl. carb I should use the most expensive gas at the pump?  Do I need to add anything to tank concerning lead? Also, I've pulled my tank and am trying to get all the gunk out, any suggestions?

HI ANNIE, I guess that the answer for this did not go thru so here goes again,
YES-YES  by all means  a can of lead addative will be great for that engine , as it is / was made to burn leaded fuel.And as far as your GAS TANK do you have a radeator shop around you as most of them will (BOIL) out the gas tank and clean it good , and it should not cost that much.And  as far as the best gas if you can afford it yes the best , but with the lead addative you can get away with the med. type gas. try it and see what is better.
ok and Good Luck 2-U