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Chevrolet: Help w/ 91 Lumina, 1991 chevy lumina, chevy lumina

" Last month, I wrote to you guys about my wife's 1991 Chevy Lumina V-6 3.1. To refresh the original problem, one day my wife used the car and it ran fine. The next day, it wouldn't turn over. The car is apparently getting gas and has plenty of crank/battery. The recommendation last month was to replace the MAP SENSOR. I did so and the car fired right up and ran great for a month plus. Yesterday, the car did the exact same thing, so I figured I'd replace the map sensor again (which my auto parts store exchanged for me) and the car still doesn't start. It still has plenty crank/battery and getting fuel. Any chance the replacement MAP SENSOR is bad or could it be something else?
Thanks for your help! Mike O."

OK If you were given a free one back I never heard of after 4 or more weeks returning and getting one for FREE so I would first try a new one and the lines and that all is clean etc, than try it, if still no I guess you will have to have a computor to get hooked up to it ?