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Chevrolet: Geo Metro bad bearing problem, rear brakes, geo metro


I have a 1996 Metro that I bought new.  I've never had a problem with it until now.  I had the wheels aligned as part of routine maintenance about four months ago, and then about six weeks later had the rear brakes done.

Three weeks after that, the right rear wheel bearing went bad.  Our (very competent) garage has taken the wheel apart and put it back together again trying to diagnose it, with no luck.  It has been replaced a total of eight times now, and tends to show damage after only about 200 miles.  It's only the right rear bearing that keeps going bad, the rest are fine.

Today we sent it to a shop who inspected the frame and took the wheel apart again, and they couldn't come up with anything.  They've called around to all the other garages in the area, and they're all stumped.  I have heard that bad bearings aren't uncommon in Metros, but this is ridiculous!  Any ideas?


hi ericka, i have seen this problem one time before. we replaced it three times in as many weeks the last time we replaced it with original parts (not aftermarket) like you said metro's are well known for bearings, but not as often as this.   sorry i couldnt offer you more information.  thanks keith