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Chevrolet: engine dying while on road, chevy conversion van, chevy dealer

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while driving engine all of a sudden dies all electrical power goes off, wait couple of seconds try to restart engine and it will start. go a few more miles and the same thing happens. yesterday this happened 3 times. has been a problem forahile goes good for months then it'll act up again. HELP 1998 CHEVY CONVERSION VAN WITH 350 ENGINE v8
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 It sounds as you have a dead short some place,  ign. switch or starter motor  are you having any trouble with the  ign. s/w or the key. ? or batt term.  it could be a lot of things.has the car been hit or worked on / or hit ? no trouble with ign. sw., car starts right up, no trouble there new cable shalll i pull off positive side and clean it? car never in accident last work was oil and grease.

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yes clean both batt terms.  and look for any wires that might look as there might be something wrong with it, and do you smell any thing (burnt) under the hood?. how is the starter motor ? cleaned both terminals this morning both were not dirty or any corrosion on either. car starts right up with no hesotation or dead spot on starter. looks like one of those shorts that'll show up in middle of traffic and when.? should i just leave it die,have it towed to electrical auto shop and not try to restart? or if its intermittent like this, will putting it on machine spot it? no burning under hood.
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 hi; you should talk with the shop that you plan on taking it to and see what they tell you , you do not want to be towed off a parkway or turnpike etc. as they will have you good and tow you any place so you should make plans to do it. a CHEVY DEALER WOULD BE GOOD ?
ok did as you said negative terminal had some green on it and cleaned it good, checked starter wiring and no sign of corrosion there. hopefully cleaning terminal will do trick. it seems to be charging at a highr rate since i did this. will get brave and run it over to my son, he's owns his own garage on the other side of florida. one day i'll have to do it or get rid of car. gm should have their heads examined when they put those term. on the side of battery, they have caused a lot of problems with it. thanks. you do not have to answer this.

 OK  Ray  my DAD is down in Fla. Ft. Perice area. , well I hope that You fixed it by getting the green stuff off the term. that could do it, I hope that it was it.Some times if a term is dirty or full of white corrosion in the wire it can make you go nuts looking for it.I hope you found it.I was wondering , the batt. term can not touch the car body/frame any place can it ?? or jump onto the frame to short out ??