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Chevrolet: ignition switch question, chevrolet malibu, fuel gauge

I recently had my 2002 chevrolet malibu serviced and had the fuel pump, module and relay replaced, also in December the fuel filter, alternator and battery and 1 1/2 years ago replaced the computer.  The syptoms occured again 2 weeks later.  The car turns over but does not start.  The fuel gauge will sometimes work and sometimes not work.  Now the shop is telling me I have a faulty ignition switch, that turns on the security and does not allow the spark plugs to spark, however when I put starting fluid in the car the car runs for a short while, then sounds like it's not getting any fuel and they continued to say that starting fluid needs a lower spark, but if there is no spark, how is the car starting with starting fluid?  I think the shop is blowing smoke up my you know what, I have family members who are mechanics but not sure about the security feature.  We think that if the security is activated then nothing will happen, the car wouldn't even turn over.  Can you confirm this?  I am not trusting the shop because of many different stories they told me about the situation.  I appreciate any help.  Thanks!  Tom

My best quess would be if the security is acctivated, then the vehicle should start. Normally this is controlled from the ignition switch. Im quessing this would be the problem, but I cant give you a sure answer without looking at the vehicle myself. As for the starting fluid, starting the car and running for a while, I dont have a clue.. Sorry couldnt help more..