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Chevrolet: 1994 Chevy Cavalier, chevy cavalier, newer cars

I know this is out of your year range but I have asked almost everybody else this with little help so far.

My car will stall out violently if it has been running for a long time.  When I slow down to about 10 MPH the car will start to "choke." If I continue to stop, the car will shut off violently.  I can start the car right back up with out any problem, but if I try to put the car into gear (be it reverse, drive, or low gear) the car will shut off again.

I  usually have to let the car sit (either running or not) before it will go into drive without shutting off.

It is a 1994 Chevy Cavalier 2.2 4cylinder.

Thinking it might have been the EGR valve, I replaced it.  The car worked fine with any problems for a few weeks then started doing it again.

  I wonder if your fuel filter is pluged or dirty, also any other filters as with the newer cars a small thing like a filter can and will do it. Do you know anyone with a computer to hook the car up to, as it might tell you the problum. I wish I could help you more but I dont work on newer cars.
good luck