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Chevrolet: flooded s-10 blazer, mass air flow sensor, mass air flow

roger i have a 1998 s-10 blazer with 4.3 when i slow down or speed up it hesitates and then will go today i pulled into a parking lot and it started to " diesel" like the olde 70s cars would when hot ti seems like it is flooding itself out i have replaced the mass air flow sensor tps sensor and crank sensor it will start but it takes time to "clear" itself if i feather the gas i can avoid most of the problems arrrg!!!

         any ideas please help thanks bob

HI Bob'
  Well I would check for a dirty fuel filter and also to see if the choke is working properly. and if needed spray clean the carb. I would try that first.Also check air filter too.and you could throw a can of carb. cleaner into the tank _ can't hurt.
good luck