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Chevrolet: stalling car, malibu wagon, fuel pump

Hi Roger, I have an '83 Malibu Wagon that has a stalling problem. I replaced the air filter and cleaned the carb well and it ran fine for one trip. Now it seems to want to stall at the slightest incline, unless it has been out driving for a while. Do I need a new fuel pump? I know this is limited information but I would appreciate your assessment. Thanks, Kevin

         You said it was ok after you cleaned the carb.
I would say  to look at your fuel filter, as it could be dirty, how is the choke adj. is it open when the car is warm. I hope. if you wish to check the fuel pump get a pump tester and see what it is putting out but if it was the pump it would not get better if you cleaned the carb. as I think the pump would only get worse then just die.do you have any vacume leaks, how about a p.c.v. valve , does it have one, check for vacume also,  as it could be a lot of things but it sounds like gas or vacume.
good luck