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Chevrolet: back up lights come on with brake lights, chev tahoe, liar liar

Hey Roger,I live in Mississippi, No snow here.
Someone said something to me about a switch under the steering column or dash that controlls the brake lights. Do you think there may be something wrong with that? I have been stopped by police twice just to tell me that my backup lights are coming on with the brakes. I just pretend I didnt know anything about it and thanked them and they let me go on my way. {liar,liar}ha. JoAnn
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Question -
I have a 1999 Chev. Tahoe. When my brakes are applied the back up lights come on also. What is causing this and how is it repaired. Thanks Jo Ann
Answer -
    JO ANN, wow I never seen that before ! did you hit anything or did you drive into a snow pile or anything like that ?
You could try checking ALL of the fuse/breakers as there could be a bad one but it sounds as there is a short of some kind or a  elect. problum. if you step on the brakes and if the back up lights also come on that is not supposed to happen, and that could be anything and a test light or meter would be used to see why and where the prob. is.
I hope it is only a blinker/fuse  as there is something shorting some place and it is the type of thing that has to be seen, i wish i could help you more but it has to be looked at and checked by the eye. ok
hope it is simple , if you did hit or drive in/over snow or bushes ,etc. look in that ares as that is where it would be.

HI again I'am looking to see if there could be a diff. reason for it. at www.wikifaqs.com you could try that site also as it has a lot of elect. probs.

 HI You must have a short of some type and that type of condition must be looked at and checked with a meter and or test light as there is no way that it can be told as I have no idea where the short could be, but yes you are right there is the brake light switch on top of the break pedal, but I do not think it is your brakes as that is working it is the back up lights, for the time being but you must have them checked with a meter , you could take out the bulbs if you wanted this way they will be out but you cant keep it that way, I wish I could help you but it is the type of thing that has to be hands on , as there is nothing that I know of that could be causing it where I could say to you that it is this or that, ok
sorry good luck with it and I do bet that it is a simple thing but I would have to be there to look at it and test the wireing out ok