Chevrolet: rocker specs 307 chev, torque specs, dosent work
Questionwhat r the torque specs for the rockers on a 307 chev?
Answer ok as far as i know thay should be hyrd. rocker . lifters , and the way i would go is first loosen up the rocker till it clicks a lil than back in in till it starts to run good or till you get it snug than only a 1/2 a turn or less - no more than that -if that dosent work i would say to go to your local library and look up in the t.m. manual as it will have all data as i do not have one with me here or i would do it for you ok, try it as i told you first as they are most likly hyd. lifters and not solid ones so try the way i said than if that dosent help look in a tm as never ever make them too tight as you will cause a hell of a lot of damage to the lifters / cam / and rockers / also you can pull the studs right out of the heads if they were too tight. i wish i had the book to help you more with me but try the way i said . good luck