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Chevrolet: 1992 Geo Prizm, 1992 geo prizm, geo prizm

Please help!  We have a 92 Geo Prizm with over 280,000 miles... Up until 1 week ago it ran as it was BRAND NEW!  We let it sit as we went on vacation, when we returned it was DEAD.  We replaced the 'blue' 100amp fuse connected to the battery and replaced the battery and the positive and negative connectors.  It now turns over but will not start.  The radio and the dome light have no power.  We sprayed started fluid and it started for about 30 seconds and then died...Is it not getting gas?  Is there a fues blown that makes the fuel pump run?  Help we need this car.  I look forward to your help.

Yes there should be a fuse for the fuel pump but I dont remember where it is or how it is labeled. Check all of the fuses 1st. I really cant hep you very much on this  because I dont have that much expierence with them. We never get them back in the shop because they run forever. You might want to check with one of the Toyota experts because thats who makes the Prism. Its the same car as a Corolla.