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Chevrolet: GMC Safari A/C Fan, climate control system, gmc safari

Hello. I've owned two GMC Safari vans, a 1997 and now a 2003. Both had the same problem. The A/C fan keeps going on and off intermittently. It'll work fine for miles then suddenly quit completely for miles. I had my '97 fixed once and it worked for a couple of years before going out again. I just bought a used 2003 and only drove it five days before the same thing started happening.

Any ideas? Is there an easy fix?


Stan Arthur
St. Petersburg, FL

I work in a GMC dealership and I am not aware of any problems with the blower motors in any year Safari vans. If it has the automatic climate control system, the blower speed will slow down after the temp. in the van reaches the set temp. I dont know if this might be what you are experiencing. But like I said, there are no common problems that I know of and I see alot of Safaris and Astro vans in my shop. What was the fix on the 97 van?