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Chevrolet: Air Conditioning Compressor Leak, soap solution, air conditioning compressor

Have a 1995 Cavilier. Air conditioning did not work. 1) Added 134 -- compressor came on and it worked fine 2) within 4 hours, 134 leaked out enough that the low pressure circuit would not allow compressor to come on. 3) added Stop Leak with die indicator to find leak and more 134 -- no red die seen and cooled fine. 4) used soap/solution to see if I could find a leak -- found leak at the split line on the compressor itself (not the hose connection area). Can I repair this by taking it apart and putting a new o-ring in place or must I look for another compressor.

I cant tell you for sure because I haven't seen the leak on your car.
I would take it apart and check the o-rings for obvious damage. Remember that if you are going to replace the o rings that they are special for AC. Plain old rubber o-rings will not work.