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Chrysler: 2006 worn timing belt check: 2.4L

I just purchased a 2006 sebring convertible with a 2.4 engine. It has 102,000 miles. I don't know if the timing belt was changed. How can i check on the condition of it to determine if i should change it now? What do i look for and where is the inspection point at?

Hi Tom,
The upper timing belt cover on the front of the engine is held in place by a bolt at the noon position and a bolt at 3 o'clock position. Once you remove that you should be able to inspect the condition of the belt. Rotate the engine by hand to visually inspect the entire belt. You can rotate the engine via the crankshaft pulley bolt.  You would look for signs of fraying and cracking of the rubber and any damage to the teeth. The recommended change by the manufacturer is at 90,000 miles.
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