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Dodge: 93 Jeep GC problems, jeep grand cherokee laredo, jeep grand cherokee

Hi. I own a 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4 with the 318 5.2L engine. Since this is basically Dodge, i thought maybe you'd help me. My transmission makes a clunk sound, like metal to metal sound, whenever i put it into reverse and into drive. When in reverse, the idle falls to about 200-400 rpm and the brakes barely holds the vehicle from moving backwards, you'd have to push them all the way down to prevent it...can you help identify this problem?

Also, what is the difference between the 46RH transmission and the 44RE (Dodges) and will the 44RE bolt right up to my Grand Cherokee with no problem? Thanks a bunch.

I helped my g/f out once with her jeep transmission and damn what a bitch. A couple of possible things. First of all, is yours full time 4 wheel drive? That would be the 46RH transmission. Not sure if they would bolt up. Apparently they were made 3 years apart but on the same engine. With Chrysler a lot of the automatic transmissions are electronically controlled by a PCM. They are supposed to adapt to changes such as temperature, load, and driver believe it or not. My 1st 94 had a PCM and it sucked. From what I've come up with a conversion would be more than you want to deal with. The only way to properly diagnose this is to take it to a mechanic and check (adjust) the TV cable. I know the gov. sensor has been a problem in these transmissions but usually they send the transmission into Limp mode. Which basically means you're not getting out of second gear. Has the Check Engine Light come on? Have you checked the fluid, and do you have the right fluid it it. Do NOT ever use Mercon/Dexron III in it or you're screwed. I did some research and other people have had very similar symptoms, but a few different diagnoses. Does it do this all the time. Warm or Cold? Initial start up or after a good drive? These are very tempermental transmissions, and proper diagnosis should be done not necessarily from the dealership but somebody who has been around Chryslers for a WHILE. The Gov. solenoid (located on the output shaft?) is supposed to control hydraulic pressure and has been known to go. Have you tried resetting your PCM if you have one? Do this by removing the neg. Bat cable and after a few hours putting it back on and taking it for an easy drive. It does sound like a clutch band or a cable adjustment from the clunking. Your reverse gear is real high but pulling that strong at that RPM doesn't sound healthy. Sounds like a hydraulic problem. Reset the PCM (if you have one) and let me know.
