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Dodge: RamVan 250 Transmission 1992, dodge ram van, autoparts store

I have a 1992 Dodge Ram Van 250 Automatic. The trans is shifting late and hard from 1st to 2nd & 2nd to 3rd. It seems to shift easier under heavy acceleration.

Because it was 'coughing' at 65-70mph; I had the trans filter/fluid changed about 2 mths ago (approx $50), that's when I started having prblms with 1st to 2nd & 2nd to 3rd(hmm?)
Then later, a new computer installed so the van would stop dieing at high temps -that's what they told me for $270.
So, it stopped dieing at high temps/long trips but I still have the shifting prblm.

Go get the computer reprogrammed at a tranny shop?


Unless you want to spend the money to have it diagnosed,go to an autoparts store and buy a can of TransTune made by Seafoam,put the entire can into the transmission and see if this helps.It won't hurt the transmission it loosens up hardened seals and cleans any buildup inside the tranny.I've tried it and it works great.My Dodge was doing the same thing,i added it and it fixed the hard and late shifting.