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Dodge: 96 Dodge Neon, dodge neon, transmission shop

Hi, I just recently got a 96 Dodge Neon, the car starts great and I drove it around a few times, not problem, once I drove the car on the main street and I pulled in to put some fresh gas because it has been setting for a while and as I was pulling in the car shut-off. So I was thinking it is because of the gas, so I added gas and continued to drive I drove for at least 10 miles and the car started to feather out, so I started pull over and it shut off. I eventually got home took it to my mechanic after diagnose the car he said it was ok. So I took it for a drive and on my way back to the shop it shut off as I was coming to a red light. But if you wait a minute it will let you turn it back on, and drive for another 10-15 minutes. The mechanic told me it was the transmission and he said it was locking up, could that be true and what the heck is Locking Up? So he told me to take it to a transmission shop, and they told me that the last gear is slipping, is it possible that cold be shutting the car off? Please advise me on these problems any answers would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
Ahmad D.

anything to do with these new cars is possible,everything being run from the computer.If the gear is slipping and not letting the transmission downshift properly,it can cause your problem.Is the engine light on?if so have it scanned,this will tell you more.AutoZone will scan it for you.