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Dodge: Transmission Overdrive Relay, dodge ram 1500, overdrive switch

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Question -
I have a 1998 Dodge Ram 1500.  I just got it back from my mechanic today and he tells me that my error code is P0751 Overdrive Switch input low. I have not experienced any problems with the way my truck shifts and now am concerned about this error code.  Keeping in mind that I just spent over a grand today fixing my truck with other problems that it had, I just cannot afford to spend that much more on this problem.  How hard would it be to install a new overdrive relay switch in this truck?  Also, about how much should I expect to pay to have this done?  Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
Answer -
Tell me how you experienced a problem with the truck to determine it had a trouble code.Was the engine light on?I know you mentioned not having any trouble with it shifting.A trouble code usually causes  a light on the dash to come on,

Ram Man,
There was a service engine light on when I took it to my mechanic and I asked him to see what it was for me.  Now, when the light came on, the truck was in park.  I had just backed it into my driveway, got out, closed my gate and returned to my truck and the light was on, I had to go to work so I went ahead and drove it since I was taking it in for repairs that evening.  I did not experience any problems at all during that drive.  I asked my mechanic about it and he just cleared the code and said to bring it in when it came on again.  As I said, the shifting of the transmission has been great and I have not had any trouble out of it at all.  Now, I did have my mechanic do a trans svc on it this past week and that is when he cleared the code.  

Sorry it took so long to get back to you.P0751 shift solenoid A,performance problem or stuck in off position.This could be the overdive button itself.The transmission has shift solenoids that can be replaced.My advice to you is to get a second opinion.Go to a Dodge dealer and ask to speak with the transmission man.Tell him exactly what i stated about the shift solenoid.Ask his opinion.It is either a shift solenoid or the button that puts the transmission in and out of overdrive.I'm not saying your mechanic doesn't know what he's talking about it's just that tinkering with a transmission can run into big bucks.