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Dodge: Dodge Truck Brake Repair, dodge dually, dodge truck

I have a 1994 Dodge Dually Diesel PU. I just had the front brake pads replaced, rotars turned, front end aligned & front tires replaced. When stopping, there is a loud clicking on the passenger side wheel as the truck comes to a stop. I've had it back in the shop once, and they re-turned the rotar. Now they say they want to switch out the pads with a "softer" pad. I am concerned that if it was a "pad" problem, it would happen on both sides & a softer pad won't last as long on that large truck. Any ideas?

I'd check everything especially the caliper.When you turn the rotors,it smooths out all the uneven spots.And i'm like you thinking a softer pad isn't going to solve the problem.If for some reason they did not tighten the bolts on the caliper really good it could cause a clicking sound.I'm not saying this is the problem because anyone who does brake jobs knows this,but it would be where i'd check.Jack it up and remove the wheel and see if the caliper can be moved with your hand,or tap on it and see if it rattles.